Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Breakfast Cookie!!! C is for Cookie!!!

A friend and I just had a gchat about waking up and feeling refreshed. She attributes this feeling to hitting the treadmill, which is one of the many positive effects of exercise. As I have mentioned previously, I have streamlined my diet so I have been eating a lot more fruit and veggies which will automatically enhance your energy levels. In any case, she mentioned having something to look forward to for breakfast. We often look forward to dinner because we put something in the crock pot the night before or made dinner for the week on Sunday (well, that's how I roll), but we do not think about prepping breakfast.

Here's a fantastic idea! The Breakfast Cookie!!

Simple ingredients, based on your own taste preferences, HEALTHY, and you make it the night before, this is definitely a win-win!! So turn the TV towards the kitchen, while you are watching Scandal and trying to figure out why Huck is rocking and holding himself in a corner, and prepare your breakfast. Your body will thank you in the morning!

Try it out and let me know how it goes!!



  1. Great post!
    I actually made one last night and of course ate it this morning. It was very tasty and satisfying. I made mine with 1% milk, peanut butter, and added in raisins and some Trader Joe's roasted coconut chips (highly recommend!). Cookie Monster knows what's up :)
