Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Singe Sista, Magazine Contributor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey lovelies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have waited about two months to share this news!!!!!!!!!! I am a magazine contributor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wrote some Easter brunch recipes for an AWESOME up and coming digital magazine called DomiCile. Many of the writers are independent bloggers that highlight resources, businesses, products and neighborhood life in the MD, DC, and VA area. You should DEFINITELY check out some of the previous issues and follow them on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

I am extremely excited about this!! A photographer came to my house and took pictures of the food. If you look closely, you will see my famous red cast iron skillet in one of the photos. Here's the link to the magazine and my recipes are on pages 40 - 43: Spring Issue of DomiCile

Getting ready to head to the lab to prepare some Oscar night/snow storm food (pictures later), but I wanted to share this first!!

Let me know what you think!!