Sunday, November 9, 2014

I'm BACK and Here's Some Info on Traveling with Advanced Prep Meal

It has been MONTHS! I know, I know and I missed you all!! I really did. I kept saying, oh that should go on my blog or oooo I should write about that. But alas, time got away from me. But I can tell you what I've been up to :)

1. Landed my dream job!! And let me tell you, it's exactly what I want to do. Day-in and day-out I get to do work that is rewarding and fulfilling. Not to mention I am finally getting back to a normal workout routine, including yoga that's offered through my office.

2. Started my nutrition certificate program. One of the most interesting things we are doing is tracking and analyzing our diets. I'm learning a lot so be prepared for more information!!

3. I have started writing a cookbook. It will have a very unique twist :)

4. And don't think for one minute I haven't been cooking. Here's just a little visual taste:

And now for the meat of this post. I noticed a fellow alum of my high school was not only preparing her meals in advance, but she was traveling with the food she prepared. She is also one of the few people I know that has prepared for and competed in a figure competition. I definitely wanted to share what she shared with me.

My questions for her were:

1. How long has you been preparing your food for your trips?
2. How do you prepare the food for traveling (e.g. do you freeze it, use special containers)?
3. What do we need to know about getting food through airport security?
4. How has this been beneficial to you?
5. Do you any tips for anyone that wants to start traveling with their food?

And here are her answers as she was traveling to a conference:

1. I always travel with adequate snacks and breakfast, such as oatmeal packets, apples, and protein bars. I hate that starving feeling and having to eat an unfulfilling bag of chips or candy bar. I like to save those treats for when I actually just want to snack on something salty or sugary, as oppose to when my body is craving protein. 2. I purchased a Six Pack Fitness bag for $69.99 that I use every day. It is completely insulated and has kept my food chilled for over 24 hours before (when opened minimally). It comes with 2 gel packets, that you freeze and store inside. When traveling through an airport, the gel freezer packs must be completely frozen, otherwise they are considered a liquid or gel and will get thrown away at the security checkpoint.      *  I eat 6 meals a day. But I also count 1 oz of almonds and a protein shake as a meal. So it’s all relative to your particular diet and definition of a meal.      *  I did not have to freeze any of my meals. The reason for this is that I usually call head and ask the hotel for a microwave and mini refrigerator, if they do not already provide those items in the room. The most I have ever been charged is $30 for both, for my entire stay. Which isn't bad when you consider the money you save on eating breakfast in your room, as opposed to out every single day. Most times, the hotel does not charge for either item.      *  It’s difficult to explain how I pack my Six Pack Bag, unless you have one. But just know that I stuff it to the max and use mostly ziplock bags (not eco friendly but I only use them when I travel). I chill everything the day before, so that it is already cold before packing it into the cooler/bag. 3. As far as the airport security, just know that everything must be a solid or frozen. No creams, sauces, gels, or liquids. If it’s questionable, freeze it. Just make sure you leave enough food thawed to eat when you arrive. 4. Packing my food for travel is beneficial in many ways. As I am preparing for my bodybuilding competition, it allows me to stay on my diet, without spending a ton of money on food. When I am not preparing for a competition, it allows me to eat well in the airport, while also eating healthy and saving money. When I travel for leisure, I like to eat the local food. But I almost always pack oatmeal, fruits, and protein bars… because I am a snacker. 5. My biggest tip for someone that wants to begin traveling with their meals are below.      *  Cook your meals the day before and make sure they are chilled or frozen. But remember to have your first day's worth of food thawed, so you can eat while traveling and upon arrival.      *  Make sure to account for your food bag/cooler (I would suggest Six Pack Fitness bag)as a carry on. When possible, only take fruits, packets of oatmeal, and other packaged items that can be thrown into a normal carry-on luggage with other items.      *  No liquids or gels, this includes sauces, chowders, thick condiments and anything else that has a gel or liquid consistency. These items will get thrown away at the airport security checkpoint.      *  If you are dieting for something in particular, then you probably need to pack every meal. But if not, enjoy the local food and culture. Pack the foods that are necessary for financial reasons, or the easiest to travel with like breakfast and snacks. But try to enjoy at least one local meal a day. Food is such a big part of experiencing life and the beautiful people who influence it. Carpe diem.
And there you have it!
Look for some holiday recipes from me very very soon!
Salud lovelies!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Cooking After Work

Hey lovelies!! It has been a minute but I am hanging in there! My second half-marathon went well and I ended up raising over $3,400.00!! I will admit, fund raising is a little intimidating for me, but I exceeded the required goal and I know the funds are going to a cause that is near and dear to me.

On to the purpose of this post! I have a friend from college (Shelly) that has a page on Facebook called Cooking After Work. Every time she posts something I sit back and admire the dish. But the main thing that I admire about this classmate is that she was a working professional mom!! I decided it was time to interview her for the blog. 

SSD: Tell me about the purpose and inspiration for your page Cooking After Work.

SSC: I had graduated law school, started my first career job (I’d been working since elementary school J), purchased my first home with my then fiancĂ©, was about to get married and realized…WAIT A MINUTE, I CAN’T COOK….LIKE REALLY COOK…EGGS AND PASTA DON’T COUNT!  Then, I thought to myself, “I wonder how many other young professionals are in the same boat as me?”  That boat being one where you had spent your life through that point focusing primarily on school and work and did not carve out time to learn how to cook.  I then did some self-reflection and realized that school and work had been my life through that point.  I was fortunate enough to be able to live at home through my time in law school and my first year of work.  As the last child of 6, my family allotted me the much appreciated luxury of focusing on my education and career.  But now, things were getting real.  I was about to start my own family.  My two young nephews would be moving in with me before I even had my own children and I needed to be able to feed them, right?!  At least these were all of my thoughts.  I also thought about all of my friends from elementary, middle, high, college and law schools.  I figured that many of them had to have been in the same boat as me.  Right?  Right?  No, OKAY!  However, I didn’t know how many of them would be willing to admit it.  To admit that you couldn’t cook as a young woman seemed to be such a faux pas at the time.  I’ve found that some would even frown on using recipes.  That’s when I decided that I’d start Cooking After Work.  This would be a way for me to share my experience learning how to cook and also to help inspire others to come out from behind shadows and the shame (okay, I’m being dramatic…or am I?) and get into the kitchen and learn how to cook.  I figured I could teach others from my mistakes and successes and learn from others as well.  Cooking After Work got its name because I thought of cooking as something I did after work, naturally.  Cooking After Work became a place for men and women, alike, to get together and share their dishes, ideas and support for each other in their individual cooking escapades across the World (well, the US and Caribbean, that I know of). 
SSD: How do you balance cooking with working and having a family? Any tips to maintain that balance?

SSC: It’s not easy but it’s possible….WITH HELP!  The key is to get lots of help.  I now have a 3 ½ year old son so my time is even more limited than when I started Cooking After Work.  However, with the help of my husband and extended family members, I am able to still get my cooking fix in.  Spouses, grandparents, neighbors, and friends are the perfect individuals to look to in keeping any little ones occupied while cooking.  If you have the time, include the little ones in your cooking projects.  Even if those dishes don’t come out as planned, the fun that you’ll have preparing them will make up for any failures in the taste and looks department….I promise!
Utilize your weekends, they’re your friend.  You won’t feel as rushed as you do in the week.  Prep meals for several days or the entire week if you can (I currently/generally only cook 2-3 times/week).  Also, some weeks you just won’t feel like cooking.  Those weeks are known as “every man for himself” in my household.  Those weeks are fine too.  Cooking does not have to turn into a chore.  With supportive family you’ll be able to slack off a week or two or more with no pressure---I think I slacked for the majority of my pregnancy as the smell of food didn’t appeal to me for months!  Getting the other adults in your household to cook also takes the stress out of HAVING to cook.  This way when you choose to cook, it’s a more pleasurable experience. 
One practical tip, go food shopping on one day, organize and freeze, and then do your cooking on another.  It makes things much more manageable.  If you have excess, portion out and freeze before folks start diving into the dish, this way you will have a home cooked meal for those “every man for himself” days!  
SSD: I noticed that you make a lot of different types of foods/cuisines. Where do you get your inspiration for you meals?

SSC: I get my inspiration in a myriad places.  I’ve gotten great inspiration from my Afterworkers.  For example, one of our members, Rachel, shared a short rib lasagna roll recipe one year and I decided to try it one holiday.  My husband fell in love with the dish and I make it every now and then for him (more then than now due to all the work it entails!).  I get inspiration in the lunchroom at work.  I get inspiration from the food network (the Pioneer Woman is my recent favorite…I think our styles in cooking are pretty similar).  I also get inspiration from food magazines that friends have been kind enough to gift me.  I get inspiration from my family members who will request dishes at times.  I love trying different cuisines!  While I have a few staples that get rotated on a monthly basis, i.e. Pelau dish discussed below, I definitely like trying new foods/cuisines to broaden my cooking and EATING horizon.

SSD: Are you multi-tasking while you are preparing your food? (i.e. watching TV, listening to music, talking on the phone)

SSC: I actually don’t multi-task much while cooking.  Cooking has become my relaxation go to method.  When I am stressed or overwhelmed with any part of life, you will usually find me in the kitchen cooking or baking.  I like to do it in virtual silence when stressed.  I’ve found that it really calms me down and puts me in a better frame of mind in which to come up with a solution to whatever issue I’m facing.  Cooking has in essence become my ME time.  It’s a time when I can be one with my thoughts and I relish the moments I can get alone. 

When I am in a relatively relaxed mood, I may have the TV going but I am usually busing looking at a cookbook or a recipe on my phone so I don’t pay the TV much attention.  On those relaxing cooking days, my son is usually in the kitchen “helping” me out.  I cherish these experiences as I’m able to get in some bonding time with him and some pretty “interesting” photo ops.
SSD: Did you grow up cooking or did you start when you had a family?

SSC: As discussed above, I definitely started when I had a family.  I knew how to make breakfast foods and a few other minor dishes but I didn’t fully delve into cooking until I started my family.
SSD: What is your favorite item to prepare?

SSC: Just one?!  Really?  I love preparing a dish called Pelau.  Primarily because of the nostalgic feel I get each time I make it and I make it often.  I was born in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and it’s one of the dishes that we made often growing up in St. Vincent and then later in Brooklyn once we immigrated to the US.  It’s essentially rice, peas, and chicken all in one pot (think arroz con pollo but the rice is not yellow…it’s actually more so brown bc of the “burnt” sugar you start the dish with).  When I first learned to make the dish I had to use a recipe.  It also took some time learning how to “burn” the sugar so that it didn’t really burn and give the dish a bitter taste.  Man, did it take some time!  Now, I no longer use a recipe.  I can make it in my sleep.  But I am still trying to find ways to perfect it.  My sister is the master pelau maker in our family and I am always looking over her shoulder to learn her secret Jedi pelau tricks.  She swears she doesn’t have any but I know every time I blink she throws in a secret ingredient or two!

SSD: Do you have any tips for anyone that wants to start cooking more?
SSC: There is no shame.  Just get into the kitchen and try!  You will fail.  So what?!  We all fail! (I’ve tossed out a few pots of failed dishes early on…I’ve since learned to control that urge J)  Recipes are your friend but practice is your BEST FRIEND.  Keep trying and you’ll eventually have your signature dish or two or three.

Thank you Shelly for ALL this great insight!! SALUD!!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Why Do You Like Advanced Meal Prep? (Second Installment)

Hey lovelies! I hope you got out and enjoyed the wonderful weather this weekend! I know I sure did! Sitting here relaxing a little with a glass of my homemade hibiscus mint tea. I made some for my friend for her birthday and she kept asking if there was some special process to make it. I strongly prefer to use loose leaf tea. I mixed equal parts of the hibiscus and mint tea in a jar, boiled some water, and poured it over the tea so the mixture so could steep in a mason jar for a few minutes. And.............Tada!! When I lived in Texas I would make sun-brewed tea. Instead of hot water I added cool water and let the jar sit outside for most of the day. There is nothing quite like sun-brewed tea. 

Well, I decided to give you all another dose why people like preparing their meals in advance. I asked a friend from college, Tsui, what she likes about preparing her meals ahead of time. Here are her responses:

1. How long has you been preparing your food for the week in advance?
I started during my first year of law school, about 3 years ago.  

2. What made you start doing this?
I started doing this because I was in classes a majority of the day.  I woke up at 7 am for 8 am class, continued through the day, and then went to the library until it closed at 11 pm.  With all my extracurricular activities, I usually only had 15 -30 minutes between classes/meetings.  We had a fridge and microwave on campus, so after I finished my cooking on Sunday afternoon, I would place all my containers for the week into a reusable grocery bag (with my name written on the outside of the bag), and stick it into the fridge on my way to candlelit yoga class.  That way I had all my meals for the week in the fridge already.  I would grab them between classes/meeting, microwave them and eat in class.

3. Is there a specific day that you like cook?
I would prep my meals every Sunday after lunch, from 12:30 until 4:30 pm.  This time includes prepping the ingredients, cooking, and clean up.  I only had two burners and a half sink in the dormitory so everything took longer.  Now that I have a dishwasher and 4 burners, I still allocate the same amount of time but I cook more food, and freeze it.

4. Are you multi-tasking while you are preparing your food? (i.e. watching TV, listening to music, talking on the phone)
I like to listen to music when I cook.  I usually sort the laundry the night before I cook, and then put it into the wash before I start cooking.  I chop up all the vegetables for the food, assemble the baked dish/stick it in the oven, start boiling the soup.  This usually takes about 30-45 minutes, and the laundry wash is ready.  I put the clothes in the dryer.  Cook some more, and take the clothes out of the dryer.  After cooking, I put all the food into ready-serve tupperware.  Stick it on a table by an open window to cool. Fold my laundry.  By the time the laundry is all folded, the food is usually cooled.  So I put that away.  Mission accomplished!  

One tip I have is to break the laundry into small loads.  I never do more than 1 or 2 loads of laundry while batch cooking.  Otherwise, it is too much.  By keeping the same habit every week, it keeps everything manageable.  If someone else can help such as a significant other that's great.  For example, sometimes you're cooking something on the stovetop, but you know the laundry needs to be put in the dryer before the clothes get too wrinkled.  So that's a task that my significant other helps with.  Don't hesitant to ask for help with other tasks, especially if both of you will benefit from the food.  However, I find that cooking with another person usually makes it less efficient unless you have a routine down for a specific dish (like dumplings below).  Also, I have tried talking on the phone, but it's also not very efficient because sometime the water is running, or you have to touch meat.

5. How has this been beneficial to you?
It has been beneficial because during a busy workday, I would end up eating what was readily available which would usually be a pastry or pizza.  I would often make decision about what I was going to eat while already hungry.  This usually led to poor decisions about nutrition.  However, by having all my meal choices already prepared and in the fridge, I would grab a tupperware box out of the fridge and it would a low sodium, fiber-filled meal with lots of vegetables.  Even though occasionally I would make rich meals like macaroni and cheese, I purposely put them into small containers for portion-control.  The second factor was cost.  By grocery shopping all at once and having ingredients and spices that I could use over and over again, I knew each month how much I was spending on food.  I could invest in quality ingredients and incorporate more vegetables into my meal (which are relatively cheap).  Sometimes a classmate would invite me to lunch, which would often be a $8 sandwich or salad at the school cafe that was not very delicious.  Since we were eating on campus anyway, I would sometime just offer a tupperware box to my friend instead.  They would usually jump at the opportunity to have a home-cooked meal.  Food for the both of us would often be below the $8 sandwich and taste much better.

6. What is your favorite item to prepare?
Freezer meals.  The idea behind the freezer meals is that ANYONE can eat them such as when your vegan, gluten free aunt who drops by the house.  You have some options in the freezer to pop into the oven or boil the soup.  Make a meat dish, sandwich or side, and you're ready to go!  

1.  Pasta Bakes such as vegetable lasagna, low fat baked ziti, mac and cheese.  In my experience, frozen cooked meat loses flavor when you freeze it, unless it's high in fat and seasoning like sausage (which is not so good for you).  So, I try to make my pasta bakes vegetarian, and have a fresh meat dish on the side such as roasted chicken drumsticks.  For the pasta bakes, I go to a restaurant supply store and buy small disposable aluminum containers with lids (enough for 1-2 servings).  I do not boil the pasta because after baking, it will be mushy.  Rather, I boil a pot of water, turn OFF the heat.  Then I soak the pasta in the hot water for 10 minutes.  Drain and rinse it, coat with olive oil and salt.  It will cook as it bakes.  As for the instructions, I make a grid table in word.  Type the instructions once with oven temperature, cook time with the lid (to bake), when to take off the lid (to crisp).  Copy and paste it, print, and tape label to the lid.

2.  Soups - I usually make the classic chicken noodle soup (no noodles added) the late fall in preparation for the winter because someone usually gets sick.  I also usually make turkey chili.  I prefer turkey as opposed to beef or pork because sometimes others have dietary restrictions.  Turkey chili also goes with everything, by itself with sour cream and toppings, on top of macaroni, or added to spaghetti sauce.  I like to freeze my soups in these Ziploc Twist n Loc containers because they are spill-proof.

3.  Dumplings - my boyfriend and I really like dumplings because you can prepare 200 of them and they only take 10 minutes to boil.  It's easiest to have one person make the filling, and then two people assemble them.  Freeze on cookie sheets as you assemble.  Transfer to gallon-sized ziploc bags after they are frozen.  Write on bags before you freeze them or else the ink will rub off.  We have one dumpling assembly food prep day every month or two.

4.  Kimchee fried rice - can be made with brown rice also, and also can be frozen.  I sent you the recipe already.

5.  Congee - it's like a rice stew.  I make a large pot either plain or with peanuts.  I put into glass jars/plastic containers (I just reuse pasta sauce jars, yogurt containers or large take-out soup containers).  For breakfast, we just bring the amount we want to eat to a boil.  Some people like adding topping like dried shredded meat/fish, or pickled vegetables, ginger, or scallion.  Since there's no meat in dish itself, it keeps for a long time, up to a week.

7. Do you any tips for anyone that wants to start preparing their food in advance?
I love making use of my freezer because it allows me to make more food without worrying about it going bad.  Think about what you currently eat now that can be made in batches, and perhaps frozen.  Always test the recipe before you make it in a large batch.  That's why I recommend starting with something you've made a million times.  This is especially true if you plan to freeze it because freezing may change the flavor profile or texture of something.  It also usually makes it more bland, so you have to pick a dish already with a lot of flavor (like kimchee fried rice) or add extra salt and spices.

And there you have it! SALUD!!!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Why Do You Like Advanced Meal Prep?

Hi lovelies!! It has definitely been a minute and I have definitely missed you all. No, seriously, I missed you! I'm still training for my half (3 weeks away!!!) and now that the weather is getting nice I am FINALLY getting out to more events again. I've been super busy lately, but I am hoping things slow down a little soon. I've also been dabbling in raw food lately. Check out this awesome completely raw salad.

Made with shredded kale, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and broccoli. I also added some red peppers, mushrooms, and raw onion rings. I made the dressing with equal parts flavored vinegar and olive oil.

So, now to the reason for this post. I have a few friends that prepare their meals in advance, like me :) I have already talked about why I love preparing all my meals in advance, but I also wanted to share why other people find it beneficial.

So I asked my dear friend Jason to share his perspective. And here are his responses to some questions I asked him:

1. How long has you been preparing your food for the week in advance?
I started six weeks ago.

2. What made you start doing this?
Circumstances in my job changed: I have a more steady travel schedule which makes cooking for myself practical.  I also started a new fitness plan which had simple portion control at its cornerstone.

3. Is there a specific day that you like cook?
Weekends (although I prep when I have less than one day ahead of meals.)
4. Are you multi-tasking while you are preparing your food? (i.e. watching TV, listening to music, talking on the phone)  
yep, music mostly or tv
5. How has this been beneficial to you?  
I lost 14 lbs - steady weight loss has been a struggle for me.
6. What is your favorite item to prepare?  
I love chicken, to eat and prepare - it is versatile and pairs  with everything.
7. Do you any tips for anyone that wants to start preparing their food in advance?  
Know yourself.  If you won't eat it don't prep it.  The simplest means are true fuel when you are pushing yourself in your workouts.  The fresher the better.  Strive not to over prepare and waste foods, but it will happen.  Plan to cheat.  Nothing crashes healthy eating more than unabated cravings.  Set boundaries: some foods don't prep well or you won't eat day after day.

Hope this provides some more insight into advanced meal prep. Stay tuned for another installment!!


Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Singe Sista, Magazine Contributor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey lovelies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have waited about two months to share this news!!!!!!!!!! I am a magazine contributor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wrote some Easter brunch recipes for an AWESOME up and coming digital magazine called DomiCile. Many of the writers are independent bloggers that highlight resources, businesses, products and neighborhood life in the MD, DC, and VA area. You should DEFINITELY check out some of the previous issues and follow them on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

I am extremely excited about this!! A photographer came to my house and took pictures of the food. If you look closely, you will see my famous red cast iron skillet in one of the photos. Here's the link to the magazine and my recipes are on pages 40 - 43: Spring Issue of DomiCile

Getting ready to head to the lab to prepare some Oscar night/snow storm food (pictures later), but I wanted to share this first!!

Let me know what you think!!


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

It's Been A Long Time....................

I shouldn't have left you, without a dope recipe to impress you :) (To the tune of Aaliyah - Try Again)

Hope you are all well!! I don't know about you, but I am praying for this winter to be OVER!! I'm looking forward to spring, and not constantly looking out my window at huge mounds of snow.

I am still doing well with preparing all my meals on Sunday for the week. I posted a few pictures on facebook Sunday night and people wanted to know how I made some of the items. I decided to make a video to walk you through the basics :)

Video with Peach-Mango Hot Oats and Honey Thyme Roasted Sweet Potatoes

I know many of you like specific measurements so I will write them down later this week, I promise.

Big announcement coming by the end of this month :)

Gotta run! Be blessed and Salud!!!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Advanced Meal Prep - Saving Money & Time

As I start preparing to train for my next half-marathon, I have tightened the reigns again on my diet. One of the most successful strategies for me is to prepare all meals in advance and portion everything out into containers.

If you ignore the poor quality of the picture, you get the idea. I have meals for Monday through Thursday all prepped and ready to go. On Fridays I generally have lunch with co-workers, but I still focus getting the healthier options.

So this past Sunday I went on a 3.5 hour cooking frenzy and prepared all my food for the week. I then subsequently put all my lunches into containers.

I made chicken stew, grilled turkey cutlets, gobi (Indian style cauliflower), seasoned rice, roasted sweet potatoes, sauteed Brussels sprouts, and date honey (added it to my oatmeal). With all that, I have lunches and dinners prepared for Monday through Thursday. I also had dinner for Sunday night. I prepared a lot of food for several reasons:

1. So I can have healthy and good food to eat :)

2. So that there is a variety of things to eat. One of the grumblings I hear from people about cooking food is that they do not like to eat leftovers. By cooking a variety of veggies and sides, you can rotate what you eat. Some nights I may feel like just have one of the veggies and some of the chicken stew. Another night I may feel like having just a veggie plate. So you essentially have options about what you eat to prevent you from getting bored with your meals.

3. So I can have a different meal for lunch and dinner. I have learned over the years that I get tired of a dish faster if I eat it twice a day, no matter how tasty it is. I prepared some grilled turkey cutlets and added some sides to my lunch containers. Those cutlets are for lunch and the stew is for dinner.

Let me also add that you can always throw in a simple fresh salad if you want to change things up a little mid-week. Either way, the more options you prepare on Sundays, the more options you have during the week. Here are a few other tips to help with preparing your meals in advance:

-You do not need to spend all day and night in the kitchen. Pick simple dishes to be practical and to give yourself time to ready get for the week. I start cooking after I return home from church and relax for a little while. Roasting fresh veggies is my favorite thing to do because the veggies need very little time to prep.

-I also do not recommend grocery shopping and cooking on the same day. Why? Because after you shop and then cook, you will be exhausted. Take it from me, I've done it a few times.

-Check out the cooking section of discount stores like Ross, TJ Maxx, etc for some glass containers with lids. Reheating your food in plastic containers is not recommended.

-Take a minute to think about what you would really like to make and plan out your shopping trip. Most of your items should be fresh goods or frozen.

Hope these tips are helpful! Give it a try and let me know how it goes for you.


Thursday, January 9, 2014

And the Winners Are.......................................................................

The moment you've all been waiting for......................................the winners!!!

But first, a little information. The grand total for the items was $26.88. Interesting enough, the most expensive item I purchased was the hibiscus tea, which was $4.93. I did a quick search for it and the cheapest I could find online for the tea was around $6, not including shipping. And I don't think I need to share how much it would be at a specialty tea store.

Regarding the rest of the spices, you will notice that most of them were under or a little over $1. While I like giving away things I also wanted to show that you can save money on spices by going to markets and buying it in bulk. You would be surprised how much you're playing for packaging. Check online as well for vendors. And keep in mind, the spices will last you a while.

And now the winners!!!!!

For the

Mrs. Kerri Rawson!!!!!!

For the 

Ms. Efua Opoku!!!!!!!

AAAAAAAAAANNNNNDDDDDDD, I decided to throw in a THIRD prize!!!!!!!!!!

One bag of your preferred flavor. And the winner is Ms. Justine Wagner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations everyone!!!!! 

This will not be my last contest so stay tuned!!!!


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Official Contest Annoucement and Rules!!!!!

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!! Hope your new year is off to a wonderful start!!!!! All right, here is the information about the contest I announced yesterday on my Facebook page.

I have mentioned several times how cost effective it is to buy spices from markets in larger quantities. During my trip home for the holidays I stocked up on a lot of things. Here's the spread

So here's the challenge, guess how much I spent on all this. The person that has the closest guess will win the first prize, the Nature Box, and the second closest guess will receive the magazine subscription.

Here's a list of every thing in the picture:

Whole cloves
Masala biryani spice
Masala chicken spice
Herbs de provence
Ground cloves
Sesame seed
Dried spearmint
Jasmine green tea
Hibiscus tea
Chili powder
Ground cinnamon
Whole cardamom
Bay leaves

Email your guesses to The contest ends on Wednesday January 8th at 11:59pm.

Happy Guessing!!!!!!!! SALUD!!!!!!!!!!