Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Adults Age 20 to 39 Eat the Most Fast Food

I heard about this STUDY over the weekend on the radio. The good news is that fast food consumption is going down overall in the U.S. HOWEVER, the groups that consume the most fast food are 20 to 39 year olds and non-Hispanic Blacks.

As a member of both of these groups I have to wonder what is contributing to this. Since I am a researcher I know income and education are two major factors. But what else is going on? Is it that we do not have time to cook? Is cooking something that people in the 20 to 39 age group don't do?

Just curious! Would love to hear (read) your thoughts!

Spices 101 - Top 10 Must Have Spices

I have been asked several times what spices do I use regularly. Just to give you a taste, this is what my spice cabinet looks like:

It's not as bad as you think! And no, I did not go out and buy all of these all at once. But there are a few spices that I use quite regularly. And the most important thing to note is that these spices are not expensive. One of the best places to get spices is the farmers' market or places that you can buy it in bulk.
So without further delay, here is my list of 10 must have spices!

1. Kosher salt
You may be surprised to find yourself using less of this to season your food. It is not a substitute for table salt (although you really won't need table salt if you season your dish while you are preparing it).

2. Black pepper
Tends to go hand and hand with the salt.

3. Rosemary
Excellent on chicken, lamb, and potatoes.

4. Thyme
In addition to meat, it adds a nice kick to eggs.

5. Nutmeg
Can be used for sweet and savory dishes.

6. Cinnamon
Can also be used for sweet and savory dishes.

7. Basil
Excellent in soups and stews.

8. Garlic Powder
Good for veggies, starches, and meats.

9. Red Pepper Flakes
Add a little spice to your stews, meat, and sauteed greens.

10. Paprika
If you can find the smoked paprika, you will add an additional layer flavor to your dish.

It's that simple! There are a few other spices that I would recommend but I think this is a good list to start with for now.
