Wednesday, November 27, 2013

My First Thanksgiving!!!

As I mentioned in my previous post, I sincerely hope you all enjoy Thanksgiving tomorrow. I will be spending my day with family and friends in the area. I also plan to get a little workout in tomorrow morning. Just a little reminder to enjoy yourself, but do not eat until you pop. Steve Harvey said it best this morning on his radio show, "your third plate should not look as full as your first plate."

I wanted to share my pictures from the first Thanksgiving meal I made all by myself. I did not go home that year and I still wanted a traditional meal. I remember calling up Bubbie (my late grandmother) and telling her that decided I would make my own meal for the very first time. The meal included a pot of collard greens, a small turkey, sweet potato souffle, seasoned rice, cranberry sauce, yeast rolls, and an apple cobbler (I didn't make the cranberry sauce or the rolls). And I served it with a glass of sparkling apple cider. This meal really meant a lot to me because I was thankful that I was able to purchase the food and make it for myself (I was a graduate student at the time). And I was thankful that I was able to use the skills I had learned from my parents and grandparents. Cooking a Thanksgiving meal was not something I thought I would be able to handle on my own, but I did. It took some time, but it was all worth it!! I was so proud of this meal! I have made several turkeys, souffles, etc since then, but this one stands out the most for me. Before I get too mushy on you all, again, have a WONDERFUL day tomorrow. SALUD!!!!!

One of My Biggest Achievements for 2013!!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!! I've got TONS of blog posts that I would like to share (including what I am making for my own little Thanksgiving meal) but I definitely wanted to share one of my biggest achievements for the year with you!!!

I finished my first half-marathon!!! Yes FINISHED!!!!!!! It was a VERY humbling and spiritual experience for me. I cried a little when I finished because I almost couldn't believe it. But, I really did it!! I didn't do it for the medal, which is VERY heavy, nor did I do it to brag to people. I also didn't do it just so I could put the 13.1 magnet on my car (but I did get one for my car). But finishing that race was something I told myself I wanted to do last year, and I did it this year. Finishing gave me the satisfaction that when I set my mind to something, I can seriously do it. I have done challenging things before, but I raised the bar significantly on what I demanded for myself both mentally and physically when I decided to complete this race. I finished this race on November 10th but it really feels like yesterday (minus the few blisters I got).

I trained, hydrated, ate right, and finished a 13.1 mile race. So the take home message to you: It may not be a 13.1 mile race for you, but think about something that would require you to push yourself and go for it!! I'm not a fan of New Year's resolutions because I believe in starting things yesterday. But take FULL advantage of this ONE precious life you have been given. A lot of people have told me that I have inspired them to run and become active. That seriously humbles me and warms my heart tremendously. It's VERY inspiring that people think I am inspiring. I set out to take care of myself and wanted share that by blogging. Knowing that someone, even if it is only one, finds what I say useful is a MAJOR accomplishment to me. I am a woman that loves serving, supporting and helping in the community. So on this eve of Thanksgiving, I say, THANK YOU for allowing me to give.

If you're home with your family and helping to prepare the dressing (or stuffing), enjoy! If you are just looking forward to the day off tomorrow and plan on ordering some take out, enjoy! Bottom line, enjoy!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

$$$$$$ Saving Travel Tip - BYOTOC

Gooooooood morning!!!! Coming to you live from the airport this AM as I wait to board my plane for another adventure.

So, it's extra early and cold this morning which means I need a warm drink to get me going. I stopped at some no name airport spot and only asked for hot water.  Why? Because during my work related trip earlier this week I packed up the complementary tea bags from the hotel and left them in my purse. Guess how much the exact same tea would have cost me? $2.75. Guess how much they wanted for the cup of hot water? $0.50!! You start adding up how much money you've spent on cups of just basic tea and coffee and it will make your head hurt. Moral of the story dear friends: bring your own tea or coffee (BYOTOC). For you coffee drinkers, I have become a fan of the instant coffee packs/sticks that also have the cream and sugar already added. Yes, yes, I know you love your double expresso caramel vanilla mocha non fat hold the whip grande drink from you know where (and I always say do you and too each his own) BUT every time you opt to bring your own instant coffee and just add water you could save up for something nice. Like new boots (I love boots by the way). And you can cut the calories in your coffee too. Just my 2 cents.  Well, my 50 cents in this case.

Well, lovelies I am signing off for now. I will be writing you all in a few days with a surprise :)
