Thursday, August 22, 2013

I Cheated!! And I Liked it!!

Warning, the juicing purists will not be pleased with this post at all. BUT this may be helpful to someone out there. I get the feeling that there are people out there that would like to juice or make smoothies on their own but are afraid of trying or are concerned about the costs of all the equipment or buying all the fruit and veggies. So yes, I cheated! But before you banish me, let me explain!

I like the Bolthouse Farms juices. Okay, Yes, YES, I KNOW they are not homemade and that I am limiting the amount of nutrients I can get. But again, give me minute to explain before you pop me on the wrists. I promise I am going somewhere with all this.

This morning I wasn't feeling like a protein based shake SO I decided to make a shake with the Bolthouse juice I had. I grabbed some frozen strawberries and some spinach. I put about 8 ounces of the juice in and then added the about 4 oz water, the spinach, and the frozen strawberries.

And then I blended it all together. AND VOILA!

SEE sometimes cheating ain't so bad :)

NOW, I will say, you can't grab just any ole pre-made juice. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read the labels and DO some research. Bolthouse does not use genetically modified ingredients (GMOs), which is rather important to me. Bolthouse juices can be a little pricey so using them to start your smoothies will stretch out how much you get out of it. You should also pay attention to how much sugar is in them. 

I will be the first to admit that there are other juices out there that are better. And NOTHING beats making the juice on your own with fresh fruit and veggies. But that's not the point of this blog post. The point is, I made a simple smoothie for breakfast that tasted yummy and I added some nutrients to it. Will I make my smoothies this way every morning? NO. But it's a nice backup say if you are on the road (especially for those of you that travel with your portable smoothie makers) or if you feel you don't have much time in the mornings. Or for someone that is just starting and isn't quite sure where to begin. But this a money saving start/alternative to running and spending $5-8 a pop on a smoothie from Whatever Juice or Smoothie Blah (LOL!!!). And don't think I have not checked out the frozen pre-packaged smoothie mixes in the freezer section. You only get like two servings for like $6. I'm just trying to look out for you ;) 

Any way, I hope this was helpful :)


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