Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Do the Math!

So, I was out on a date (yes, a date) recently and we started talking about cooking. Naturally we talked about what we like to prepare. The conversation eventually led to us talking about meal prep. I talked about preparing all my meals for the week and he asked if I actually saved money doing that. I pulled out a little notebook from my purse and suggested we do the math. I asked him what he would honestly spend on breakfast, lunch, and dinner per day if he ate out or picked up food. We added up the numbers and he sat back in the chair. He then asked how much I spend on food and I said $40-60 total for the week. He said the convo got him thinking.

With that, have you done the math? Not saying you can't pick up a meal here and there but how much do you spend a week eating out? What would you do with a little more wiggle room in your budget? Take your favorite meal prep blogger on a vacation in the Caribbean? (Wink)

Just some food for thought!


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