Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Find YOUR Snack!

By now we ALL know that we should be snacking on fruit and vegetables. But the trick is finding one that you can eat consistently. Take me for instance, I can't stand melons (watermelon, cantaloupe, honey dew, etc)! I have tried over and over to enjoy them but I think they are AWFUL! I enjoy berries but I am not always in the mood for them and you want to eat them when they are in season. Bananas are a BIG no no in my life. I enjoy mangoes but they are not always in season, buying them pre-cut is rather pricy, and I do not always cut them correctly when I buy them whole. And the list goes on and on. WELL, I had a few friends over a little while back and I cut up some seedless cucumbers to serve with some hummus. There were a few cucumber slices left over after they left so I bagged them up and took them to work with me. Wouldn't you know I left the hummus at home! But I wanted my snack! I was hitting my afternoon lull and I needed something! I popped one of the plain raw cucumbers in my mouth and it was wonderful! Just a plain raw seedless cucumber!! Since then, I eat cucumbers every day around 3:00pm or 4:00pm.

The moral of this story, figure out what you like and stick with it! Cucumbers are my go to snack every day. I cut them up every night and take them in to work. Figure out your staple fruit or veggie and make sure when you go to the store you get that every time. Take the time out to do this for yourself and your body will not only thank you, but it will start to expect the healthy snack. And your wallet will thank you.

Until next time, Salud!

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